Whale Watching in Regional New South Wales

Humpback Whales begin their migration through Regional New South Wales from May to November as they head north to warmer waters. You may witness these majestic mammals on a whale watching cruise in the Jervis Bay Marine Park- just 2.5 hours drive from Sydney. Experience Humpback Whales in their natural environment alongside their calves as they breach and slap their tails against the water on a 2 hour whale watching cruise with a picturesque coastal backdrop of the New South Wales coast. Book your whale watching cruise here!

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$0 $400+
Whale Watching Jervis Bay
Whale Watching Jervis Bay by Jervis Bay Wild

Experience whale watching in Jervis Bay! See whales at play with a nature tour of Jervis Bay whale watching cruise.

From Includes levy
  • Seasonal
  • Self Drive
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